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Power Engineering Scalar Field Theory : Faraday vs. Maxwell and a longitudinal wave demonstration -- a two-part presentation
Konstantin Meyl, Ph.D.
1 hour 55 minutes, DVD.
702D-NTES ... $24.95

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From an extended vortex and field theory to a technical, biological and historical use of longitudinal waves.

From Maxwell's field equations only the well-known Hertzian (transverse) wave can be derived, whereas the calculation of longitudinal scalar waves gives zero as a result.  This is a flaw of the field theory, since scalar waves exist for all particle waves, e.g. as plasma waves, photon or neutrino radiation.

Starting from Faradays discovery, instead of the formulation of the law of induction according to Maxwell, an extended field theory has been derived that goes beyond the Maxwell theory with the description of potential vortices (noise vortices) and their propagation as a scalar wave, but contains the Maxwell theory as a special case.  With that the extension is allowed and doesn't contradict textbook physics.

Besides the mathematical calculation of scalar waves this presentation includes technical information concerning the use of scalar waves.  What if the useful signal and the usually interfering noise signal change their places?  Would a separate modulation of frequency and wavelength make a parallel image transmission possible?  These questions about electromagnetic radiation concern environmental compatibility, for the sake of humanity (bio resonance, among others) or to harm humanity (electromagnetic smog).


  • 11+ hours on 12 DVD disks, 700D-NTES ... $179.95

  • 11+ hours on 12 video tapes, 700V-NTES ... $199.95

  • 11+ hours on 12 audio CDs, 700C-NTES ... $124.95

  • 11+ hours on 12 audio tapes, 700A-NTES ... $109.95

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