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Nikola Tesla's
Teleforce & Telegeodynamics Proposals
by Leland I. Anderson

In this forth and final installment of the Tesla Presents Series, Nikola Tesla describes his accomplishments in the areas of particle-beam production and geophysical exploration.


In the 1930s the unorthodox inventor Nikola Tesla announced to the world two astonishing new inventions.  The first was a particle-beam projector that Tesla intended to be used as an instrument of national defense.  He called his system "teleforce."  With this machine he declared that a nation could bring wholesale destruction upon invading armies and shoot down fleets of incoming aircraft when they were 200 miles away.  While the basic beam weapon concept was first revealed in 1934, on Tesla's 78th birthday, specific details about the actual device have been difficult to obtain.

One year later, during his annual birthday press conference on July 10, 1935, Tesla claimed a method to transmit mechanical energy with minimal loss over any terrestrial distance, allowing for a new means of communication and a technique for the location of subterranean mineral deposits.  Tesla's mechanical power system, he dubbed it the "art of telegeodynamics," was based primarily upon his reciprocating engine invention, patented in 1894.  While the fundamental operating principles of Tesla's mechanical oscillator are well understood, little has been said about how the machine would have been used for underground prospecting.

In Leland Anderson's newest book Nikola Tesla's Teleforce & Telegeodynamics Proposals these two important papers, hidden for more than 60 years, are presented for the first time. The principles behind teleforce—the particle-beam weapon, and telegeodynamics—the mechanical earth-resonance concept for seismic exploration, are fully addressed. In addition to copies of the original documents, typed on Tesla's official stationery, this work also includes two Reader's Aid sections that guide the reader through the more technical aspects of each paper.  The papers are followed by Commentary sections which provide historical background and functional explanations of the two devices.  Significant newspaper articles and headline accounts are provided to document the first mention of these proposals.  A large Appendix provides a wealth of related material and background information, followed by a Bibliography section and Index.

About the author
Leland I. Anderson is a technical writer and electrical engineer who lives in Denver, Colorado.  His long-time interest in Nikola Tesla took root in the early 1950s, and his activities since then have resulted in his recognition as one of the world's foremost Tesla historians.  His works include the monographs "Priority in the Invention of Radio, Tesla vs. Marconi" and Ball Lightning & Tesla's Electric Fireballs, and the books Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents, Nikola Tesla—Lecture Before The New York Academy of Sciences, April 6, 1897, Nikola Tesla—Guided Weapons & Computer Technology, and Nikola Tesla's Teleforce & Telegeodynamics Proposals.

Publication Date: Nov. 1998 Science/Technical 127 pages
ISBN: 0-9636012-8-8 8 1/2 x 11 trade paper $24.95 U.S.

Distributed to the trade by 21st Century Books.

For a feature story, author interview, excerpts or review information,
contact: Gary Peterson, Publicity/Marketing.

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